Monday, February 4, 2008

Monday Febuary 4

things are going well today, I have dinner in the crockpot, its a recipe I have never tried. it is
a kielbalsa vegtable paella. I have been trying to use the crockpot alot lately so that there is always something warm to eat for dinnner. Yesterday I made chicken mole in the crockpot and
it was very good, I just put skinless chicken thighs,mole,corn and onion and set it on low all day.
I am going to grind some wheat in my vita mix to start the sourdough starter. I love sourdough
bread and I have no idea why I have not tried to make it before. so this will be my first time;)
I definalty want to get some cabbage to make homeade saurkraut, thanx to cjs blog, it looks
so easy and its super good for you. I have to finish washing the bed linens,vacuum,mop and
dust . I am going to go buy some bare root blackberry and rasberry bushes today to plant.
also I want to plant a couple of bare root anna apple trees. I am also going to start planting
in the garden again. I have decided to go with a raised bed garden in my back yard because
I have had a hard time growing in the soil because its really hard and fulll of clay. I got the
homeschool books that I ordered today , and I am so excited to read them. well I must get
back to work and play:)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Febuary 3,2008

Todays to do list:

put away laundary
soak beans before I go to bed
read to children
set out clothes for everyone for tommorow
make a to do list for tommorow
read from the book of genesis
read a few chapters from "you are what you eat"
drink dandelion tea
take milk thistle and turmeric
clean all dishes and shine my kitchen sink